Primate Hand Proportions

The plot that will be reproduced in this example is a triangle plot of extant and fossil hand proportions from Boyer et al. (2013) in AJPA (doi: 10.1002/ajpa.22392). Triangle plots aren't that common in biological anthropology, but they do pop up now and then again. This particular example has a lot of complications and stretches the limits of what is possible in the major R plotting approaches. It turns out to be impossible to exactly replicate the published plot - each of the R options has some limitations, but it is possible to get very close reproductions.

The data underlying this plot are included in the supplementary material of the paper and have been extracted and made available in my bioanth datasets repository.


First, I always change the R option for importing strings (I find that the default convert to factor causes more problems than it solves).

In [1]:

You can safely ignore this next option. The default image rendering option for the system I am using here (Jupyter Notebook) does not show italic annotations on plots properly; this option change fixes that. Standard R on your system will work as it should without this option change.

In [2]:
options(jupyter.plot_mimetypes = 'image/png')

Next, import the data. The resulting data frame has five variables: status (extant or extinct), taxon, pCARP (proportion that is the carpus), pMC3 (proportion that is metacarpal 3), pD3 (proportion that is the phalanges, excluding the terminal phalange).

In [3]:
dataurl = ""
dset = read.csv(url(dataurl), row.names=1)

'data.frame':	53 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ status: chr  "Extant" "Extant" "Extant" "Extant" ...
 $ taxon : chr  "Lorisoidea" "Lorisoidea" "Lorisoidea" "Lorisoidea" ...
 $ pCARP : num  19.1 19.5 16.6 17.7 15.1 13.9 16.2 14 15.8 15.5 ...
 $ pMC3  : num  23.7 24.6 23.8 23.3 24.5 24.2 27.2 27 26.6 28.2 ...
 $ pD3   : num  57.2 55.9 59.6 59.1 60.4 61.9 56.4 59 57.6 56.3 ...

The published plot has different colors and shapes for different taxonomic groups, so it will be useful to have mappings and variables for those.

In [4]:
groups = unique(dset$taxon)

  1. 'Lorisoidea'
  2. 'Lemuroidea'
  3. 'Tarsius'
  4. 'Platyrrhini'
  5. 'Catarrhini'
  6. 'Ptilocercus'
  7. 'Tupaia'
  8. 'Cynocephalus'
  9. 'Fossil Primates'

To generate the point fill color, shape, and size variables, I first create mapping vectors.

In [5]:
map_colors = c("darkgoldenrod1", "tomato3", "mediumpurple3", "mediumseagreen", 
                 "dodgerblue3", "yellow", "orange", "white", "black")
names(map_colors) = groups

map_shapes = c(21, 21, 23, 22, 22, 24, 24, 24, 21)
names(map_shapes) = groups

map_sizes = c(1, 1, 0.75, 1.5, 1.5, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1)
names(map_sizes) = groups


Fossil Primates
Fossil Primates
Fossil Primates

Next, variables with an entry for each data table entry.

In [6]:
point_colors = map_colors[dset$taxon]
point_shapes = map_shapes[dset$taxon]
point_sizes = map_sizes[dset$taxon]

# bind these together into a data frame to show what has been done
cbind(rownames(dset), dset$taxon, point_colors, point_shapes, point_sizes)

LorisoideaArctocebus calabarensisLorisoidea darkgoldenrod1 21 1
LorisoideaLoris tardigradusLorisoidea darkgoldenrod1 21 1
LorisoideaNycticebus coucangLorisoidea darkgoldenrod1 21 1
LorisoideaPerodicticus pottoLorisoidea darkgoldenrod1 21 1
LorisoideaEuoticus elegantulusLorisoidea darkgoldenrod1 21 1
LorisoideaGalago moholi Lorisoidea darkgoldenrod121 1
LemuroideaCheirogaleus majorLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaMicrocebus murinusLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaPhaner sp.Lemuroideatomato3 21 1
LemuroideaHapalemur griseusLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaLemur cattaLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaLepilemur leucopusLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaVarecia variegataLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaAvahi lanigerLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaPropithecus verreauxiLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaIndri indriLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
LemuroideaD. madagascarensisLemuroidea tomato3 21 1
TarsiusTarsius bancanusTarsius mediumpurple3 23 0.75
PlatyrrhiniAlouatta sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniAotus sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniAteles sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniBrachyteles sp.Platyrrhini mediumseagreen 22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniCallicebus sp.Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniCallithrix sp.Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniCebus sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniChiropotes sp.Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniLagothrix sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniLeontopithecus sp.Platyrrhini mediumseagreen 22 1.5
PlatyrrhiniSaimiri sp. Platyrrhini mediumseagreen22 1.5
CatarrhiniCercopithecus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniColobus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniGorilla sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniHomo sapiensCatarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniHylobates sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniMacaca sp. Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniMiopithecus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniPan sp. Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniPapio sp. Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniPongo sp. Catarrhini dodgerblue322 1.5
CatarrhiniPresbytis sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniRhinopithecus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniSemnopithecus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniSymphalangus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
CatarrhiniTrachypithecus sp.Catarrhini dodgerblue3 22 1.5
PtilocercusPtilocercus lowiiPtilocercus yellow 24 0.75
TupaiaTupaia glisTupaia orange 24 0.75
CynocephalusCynocephalus volansCynocephalus white 24 0.75
Fossil PrimatesNannodectes Fossil Primatesblack 21 1
Fossil PrimatesEuropolemur Fossil Primatesblack 21 1
Fossil PrimatesDarwinius Fossil Primatesblack 21 1
Fossil PrimatesGodinotia Fossil Primatesblack 21 1
Fossil PrimatesAdapis Fossil Primatesblack 21 1
Fossil PrimatesLeptadapis Fossil Primatesblack 21 1

Set up the annotation species and label text.

In [7]:
# Adapis needs to be placed separately
ann_species = c("D. madagascarensis", "Darwinius", "Tupaia glis", "Cynocephalus volans", "Nannodectes", 
            "Europolemur", "Godinotia", "Leptadapis", "Papio sp.")
ann_labels  = c("Daubentonia", "Darwinius", "Tupaia", "Cynocephalus", "Nannodectes",
            "Europolemur", "Godinotia", "Leptadapis", "Papio")
ann_pos     = c(4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4)  # used in base R and lattice plots
ann_hjust   = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)  # used in ggplot2 plot

cbind(ann_species, ann_labels, ann_pos, ann_hjust)

D. madagascarensisDaubentonia 4 1
DarwiniusDarwinius2 0
Tupaia glisTupaia 4 1
Cynocephalus volansCynocephalus 4 1
NannodectesNannodectes4 1
EuropolemurEuropolemur2 0
GodinotiaGodinotia4 1
LeptadapisLeptadapis2 0
Papio sp.Papio 4 1

Set up a group names vector for the legend in the desired order.

In [8]:
gnames = c('Fossil Primates', 'Catarrhini', 'Platyrrhini', 'Tarsius', 'Lorisoidea', 
           'Lemuroidea', 'Ptilocercus', 'Tupaia', 'Cynocephalus')

Base R

Triangle plots are not specifically included in the base R graphics toolkit, but there is an implementation in the ade4 package that is built on the standard plotting tools. Limitations encountered in the base R replication of the published plot are:

  • It is not possible to cleanly assign long axis labels. It is possible to change them to match the published plot axis labels, but their orientation is not good and the result looks worse than the short labels that I chose.
  • It is not possible to label the grid lines as in the published plot.

In [9]:
library(ade4)      # for the triangle.plot function
library(grDevices) # for the convex hulls

# the triangle plot invisibly returns the plot coordinates of the points
# we will need this to draw the convex hull polygons on the published plot
# as well as to style the points (no style options in the function itself)
coords = triangle.plot(dset[,c("pCARP", "pMC3", "pD3")],
                       show.position=F, # don't show position of displayed triangle in complete triangle,
                       cpoint=0,        # don't plot points yet (no point format options in this function)

                       # only doing the following to try to exactly match published plot, 
                       # not necessary otherwise
                       scale=F,             # don't autoset the axis limits
                       min3=c(.05,.15,.40), # axis minimums
                       max3=c(.45,.55,.80)  # axis maximums

# extract out the points for each group that will get a convex hull polygon
loris = coords[dset$taxon == "Lorisoidea",]
lemur = coords[dset$taxon == "Lemuroidea" & rownames(dset) != "D. madagascarensis",]
platy = coords[dset$taxon == "Platyrrhini",]
catar = coords[dset$taxon == "Catarrhini",]

# extract the points bounding the convex hull polygons
lorishp = chull(loris)
lemurhp = chull(lemur)
platyhp = chull(platy)
catarhp = chull(catar)

# add the first point to the end so that the polygon closes
lorishp = c(lorishp, lorishp[1])
lemurhp = c(lemurhp, lemurhp[1])
platyhp = c(platyhp, platyhp[1])
catarhp = c(catarhp, catarhp[1])

# plot the polygons
# The color fills are derived from the point colors by reducing opacity using
#   the adjustcolor function
polygon(loris[lorishp,], col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lorisoidea"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
polygon(lemur[lemurhp,], col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lemuroidea"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
polygon(platy[platyhp,], col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Platyrrhini"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
polygon(catar[catarhp,], col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Catarrhini"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)

# add the points with specified colors, shapes, and sizes
points(coords, pch=point_shapes, bg=point_colors, cex=point_sizes)

# add the annotations
for (i in 1:length(ann_species)) {
    xpt = coords[ann_species[i],1]
    ypt = coords[ann_species[i],2]
    text(xpt, ypt, ann_labels[i], pos=ann_pos[i], cex=0.6, font=3)

# Special placement for Adapis with a line to the point
# rather than try to figure out coordinate values, just mix and match from other points
xpt = coords["Chiropotes sp.", 1]
ypt = coords["Cebus sp.", 2]
text(xpt, ypt, 'Adapis ', adj=1, cex=0.6, font=3)
lines(c(xpt, coords["Adapis", 1]), c(ypt, coords["Adapis", 2]))

# add the legend
legend(x=-0.7, y=0.9, # coordinates arrived at by trial and error
       legend=gnames, cex=0.75,


Again, triangle plots are not included in the core ggplotting toolkit, but there is an implementation in the ggtern package. Limitations encountered in the ggplot2 replication of the published plot are:

  • It is not possible to match the published plot's orientation. ggtern orients the axes differently than the published plot and the other R graphics packages and this orientation cannot be changed.
  • It is not possible to apply different styles to different text labels in legends. This is a limitation of ggplot2 generally.

In [11]:
library(ggtern) # ggtern = ggternary = triangle plot

# make a data frame with only the variables we are plotting
ggdata = data.frame(x=dset$pMC3,
row.names(ggdata) = row.names(dset)

# will need the 2d coordinates for the x,y,z points
# to identify the outer points of the convex hulls
coords = tlr2xy(ggdata, coord_tern())

# extract out the points for each group that will get a convex hull polygon
loris = coords[dset$taxon == "Lorisoidea",]
lemur = coords[dset$taxon == "Lemuroidea" & rownames(dset) != "D. madagascarensis",]
platy = coords[dset$taxon == "Platyrrhini",]
catar = coords[dset$taxon == "Catarrhini",]

# will also need these subsets with x,y,z coordinates
xyzloris = ggdata[dset$taxon == "Lorisoidea",]
xyzlemur = ggdata[dset$taxon == "Lemuroidea" & rownames(dset) != "D. madagascarensis",]
xyzplaty = ggdata[dset$taxon == "Platyrrhini",]
xyzcatar = ggdata[dset$taxon == "Catarrhini",]

# extract the points bounding the convex hull polygons
lorishp = chull(loris)
lemurhp = chull(lemur)
platyhp = chull(platy)
catarhp = chull(catar)

# add the first point to the end so that the polygon closes
lorishp = c(lorishp, lorishp[1])
lemurhp = c(lemurhp, lemurhp[1])
platyhp = c(platyhp, platyhp[1])
catarhp = c(catarhp, catarhp[1])

# need the taxon groups as an ordered factor for the legend
otaxon = factor(dset$taxon, levels=gnames, ordered=T)

# make the plot
plt = ggtern(data=ggdata, aes(x,y,z)) + 
        # use a simple theme
        theme_minimal() + 
        # set the axis limits
        tern_limits(T=.9, L=.65, R=.55) + 
        # use axis labels on arrows
        theme_showarrows() + 
        labs(x="", xarrow="Metacarpal III Length",
             y="", yarrow="Phalanges Ray III Length",
             z="", zarrow="Carpus Length") +
        # draw the convex hulls
        # The color fills are derived from the point colors by reducing opacity using
        #   the adjustcolor function
        geom_polygon(data=xyzloris[lorishp,], fill=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lorisoidea"], alpha=0.5)) +
        geom_polygon(data=xyzlemur[lemurhp,], fill=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lemuroidea"], alpha=0.5)) +
        geom_polygon(data=xyzplaty[platyhp,], fill=adjustcolor(map_colors["Platyrrhini"], alpha=0.5)) +
        geom_polygon(data=xyzcatar[catarhp,], fill=adjustcolor(map_colors["Catarrhini"], alpha=0.5)) +
        # add the points on top, setting color, shape, and size styling by the taxonomic group factor
        geom_point(aes(shape=otaxon, fill=otaxon, size=otaxon)) + 
        # specify the color, shape, and size for each taxonomic group
        # this is also what configures the legend
        scale_shape_manual(values=map_shapes[gnames]) + 
        scale_fill_manual(values=map_colors[gnames]) + 
        scale_size_manual(values=map_sizes[gnames]*2) +
        # relocate and style the legend
        # (legend is placed to the right of the figure by default)
        # (numbers specified here for placement and size are the result of trial and error)
              legend.key.height=unit(0.4, "cm"),

# add the easy point annotations (easy = next to point)
# (I paste some spacing around the labels so that they aren't touching the points)
anndata = ggdata[ann_species,]
plt = plt + geom_text(data=anndata, label=paste("   ", ann_labels, "   ", sep=''), 
                      size=2.5, fontface="italic", hjust=ann_hjust)

# Special placement for Adapis with a line to the point
# (had to use trial and error to get the x,y,z coordinates)
adapisLabelXYZ = data.frame(x=29, y=53, z=18)
plt = plt + geom_text(data=adapisLabelXYZ, label="Adapis", 
                      size=2.5, fontface="italic", hjust=0) +
            geom_line(data=rbind(ggdata["Adapis",], adapisLabelXYZ))



Again, there is no triangle plot function included in the standard lattice distribution, but the loa (Lattice Options and Add-Ins) package includes an implementation built on top of lattice.

The lattice replication comes closest to matching the published plot. The axis labels are oriented differently, but the way it is in the lattice plot is arguably better than what is done in the published plot. Other than that, there are some stylistic differences, but nothing dramatic.

In [13]:
library(latticeExtra) # to combine lattice plots with "as.layer"

# First set up the axes and labels.
# This function does not accomodate adding points, polygons, and annotations.
base = trianglePlot(~pD3+pMC3+pCARP, data=dset, 
                    type='n', # don't plot any points
                    alab="Phalanges Ray III Length",
                    blab="Metacarpal III Length",
                    clab="Carpus Length")

# get the new (x,y) coordinates of the data points on the plot area
toXY = with(dset, triABC2XY(pD3, pMC3, pCARP))
# 'toXY' from above is a list, pull out the x and y coordinates and make a data frame
dsetXY = data.frame(x=toXY$x, y=toXY$y, row.names=rownames(dset))

# create a custom convex hull plotting panel function
# * this is a little brittle - it assumes that in the given data frame:
#      - x values are in the first column
#      - y values are in the second column
panel.chull = function(dframe, ...) {
  # identify the exterior points
  hullpoints = chull(dframe)
  # add the first point to the end so that the polygon closes
  hullpoints = c(hullpoints, hullpoints[1])
  # plot the polygon
  panel.polygon(x=dframe[hullpoints,1],y=dframe[hullpoints,2], ...)

# pp = points & polygons
pp = xyplot(y ~ x, data=dsetXY,
             panel=function(x,y) {
               # First plot the convex hull polygons.
               # For these convex hull polygons, I subset out the points for each group from the
               #   overall data frame and feed that subset into the custom convex hull panel
               #   function from just above.
               # The color fills are derived from the point colors by reducing opacity using
               #   the adjustcolor function
               panel.chull(dsetXY[dset$taxon == "Lorisoidea",], 
                           col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lorisoidea"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
               panel.chull(dsetXY[dset$taxon == "Lemuroidea" & rownames(dset) != "D. madagascarensis",], 
                           col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Lemuroidea"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
               panel.chull(dsetXY[dset$taxon == "Platyrrhini",], 
                           col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Platyrrhini"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
               panel.chull(dsetXY[dset$taxon == "Catarrhini",], 
                           col=adjustcolor(map_colors["Catarrhini"], alpha=0.5), border=NA)
               # then add the points on top of the polygons

# annotations layer
lnames = xyplot(y ~ x, data=dsetXY,
                panel=function(x,y) {
                  # first loop through the easy annotations (easy = next to point)
                  for (i in 1:length(ann_species)) {
                    xpt = dsetXY[ann_species[i],1]
                    ypt = dsetXY[ann_species[i],2]
                    # paste an extra space on either side of the name to get some separation from the point
                    panel.text(xpt, ypt, paste(" ", ann_labels[i], " ", sep=''), pos=ann_pos[i], cex=0.7, font=3)
                  # Special placement for Adapis with a line to the point
                  # rather than try to figure out coordinate values, just mix and match from other points
                  xpt = dsetXY["Chiropotes sp.", 1]
                  ypt = dsetXY["Cebus sp.", 2]
                  panel.text(xpt, ypt, 'Adapis ', adj=1, cex=0.7, font=3)
                  panel.lines(c(xpt, dsetXY["Adapis", 1]), c(ypt, dsetXY["Adapis", 2]), col=1)

# combine all of the layers so far into a single plot
lplt = base + as.layer(pp) + as.layer(lnames) 

# specify the information for the key
key = list(points = list(
             pch = map_shapes[gnames],
             cex = map_sizes[gnames],
             col = "black",             # point border color
             fill=map_colors[gnames]),  # point fill color
           text = list(text=gnames, 

# add the key to the plot
lplt = update(lplt, key=key)

# show the plot